Friday, November 14, 2008

friends (old and new)

So, while I was at the gym today I saw an old friend and started thinking about the whole concept of "friendship." Why is it that at one time we can be so close to someone and then, whether they move away or life changes, we just stop talking to them and the distance becomes so great? Maybe it's just me? But, I really don't think so. I've talked with other friends about this too, and it seems to happen to all of us from time to time. I know we get busy, and honestly, I think that is a valid excuse. But, sometimes I think it's just that our pride gets in the way. Maybe there's an unresolved grudge, or maybe we think that someone just doesn't care enough to call us anymore. Either way, I hope I've never given any of my old (or newer!) friends this feeling. Everyone friend I've ever had in life has had a special place in my heart. And, no matter what growing pains we might have been through, I NEEDED the friendship in order to grow as a person. So, no grudges here. I just wish I had all the time in the world to call everyone!!! (oh, yeah, and a little quiet time so that I could actually hear you all on the other end of the phone! ha ha ha)

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